Learn Python Container Types
Learn it Cold

Lists, Strings and Dicts in Python is a comprehensive Spaced Repetition System (SRS) flashcard deck for learning the most commonly used Python container data types, and how to work with them.

A substantial and growing body of research shows SRS to be the most effective way to learn. Nothing else comes close.

Get it now for only $29!

What You Will Learn

Container data types are data objects that hold other data objects as elements. They are essential, fundamental data structures in Python programming (and most other languages).

Python offers a large and varied collection of built-in container types. This deck focuses on the three most common - list, str and dict - the ones you can expect to use on a daily basis.

This deck contains over 500 SRS flashcards, covering:

  • Lists and list object methods
  • Indexing container objects
  • Strings and str object methods
  • Dictionaries and dict object methods
  • Container membership
  • Slicing container objects

(Note that iteration is not covered in this deck. It will be covered in the forthcoming Control Flow deck.)

This deck is targeted at Python v3. But differences from Python v2 are highlighted where they are likely to be encountered in common practice.

Actual Questions

How You Will Learn

SRSoterica spaced repetition flashcard decks are an exciting breakthrough in learning concept-intensive subjects via SRS. All of our decks teach you:

  • essential concepts and functionality
  • in the right order
  • at the right level of detail
  • idiomatically - Pythonically

Our decks are comprehensive (without being exhaustive). They highlight the quirks that trip people up. They hammer home difficult concepts using multiple representation techniques, and layers of reinforcement.

Our decks are not just a set of facts. You get tested on your ability to apply what you learn. You analyze and evaluate the kinds of situations that you will encounter in everyday programming.

Our decks encompass the expertise and experience of multiple practicing professional programmers.

You will learn the subject cold.

Textbook Depth, Flashcard Efficiency!

Our decks combine the best features of a book:

  • comprehensive coverage
  • structured content
  • progressive learning

with the killer features of a flashcard deck:

  • concise presentation
  • testing and repetition

Learn effectively at any time, whether you've got two minutes or twenty.

Who Is This For?

This deck is targeted to early stage Python programmers - but not absolute beginners. It expects that you already understand these things, and how to use them:

  • simple data types - ints, floats, strings, bools
  • data objects - literals and variables
  • functions and methods

If you don't already understand these things, you should gain a little experience, or bone up elsewhere, before you tackle this. You might consider using the Simple Data Types deck, or the Python Essentials deck, both of which also cover this material.

Get it now for only $29!

100% Money Back Guarantee

There's not a better way than SRS to learn - really learn - the concepts and intricacies of the Python programming language.

Nobody else understands how to make concept-intensive SRS decks as well as we do. Nobody even comes close.

If you're not satisfied, you can have your money back.

How Do You Use This?

We wrote our own SRS platform. It's a web app. Use it from any device with a browser.